February 22, 2024
There’s actually only one way to lose weight….but it involves many things coming together. This, despite the many proclaimed ‘magic methods’. Shake programs Medication Very low calorie diets Workout programs etc.
If we’re talking about sustainable weight loss that lasts, here’s all you need to know, and all you’ll need to do.

Energy balance
Calories in versus calories out. This is the overarching necessity that the science proves is most important. This is achieved by getting your calorie intake into the ‘Goldilocks zone’, not too many, not too few.
Too many and you won’t need to burn into stored energy (fat). Too few and you’ll end up malnourished and in danger of binges that put on all the weight you lose and more.
Weight loss medications are remarkably good at helping you reducing cravings and ultimately calorie intake, but they can only ever be an adjunct to help you follow a good nutrition plan that’s sustainable indefinitely.
A critical component of the above formula. Exercise helps you burn energy, creating a calorie deficit (if nutrition is in order). It also changes your metabolism and the way your body uses calories. People who strength train have a higher metabolic rate (burning more fat at rest), they also divert more calories to repair and replenishment of muscle and less to fat storage.
Eating the right foods will help you feel fuller at a lower caloric intake. (Think meat, seafood, veggies, fruit, nuts and some quality whole grains) Eating the wrong foods will make you hungrier at higher relative caloric intakes. (Bread, pasta, cereals, soft drinks, added sugar, desserts, biscuits and fast food).
It’s a toxin that is bad for your health in any amount. It’ll cause inflammation, poor sleep, brain degeneration, weight gain and many other poor health outcomes. If health truly is of high importance to you, examining your relationship to alcohol is a must.
A very underrated aspect of weight loss. Good sleep up-regulates Leptin (a peptide hormone associated with satiety and urges to move) and down regulates ghrelin (a peptide hormone associated with hunger). It’s hard to lose weight in the absence of good sleep hygiene.
Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol, which promotes fat storage, especially around the abdomen, by increasing appetite, particularly for high-calorie comfort foods, disrupting metabolism, and encouraging physical inactivity.
Cortisol’s impact on insulin sensitivity can also lead to elevated blood sugar levels and further fat storage. Managing stress through exercise, relaxation techniques, and healthy coping strategies is crucial for mitigating its effects on fat storage and overall health.
Next time you hear of some amazing new method, know that in isolation it’s not the answer. This puzzle can only be solved by aligning the points above. I call them the ‘facts of physiology’.
It’s a bit of work to learn them, it takes practice to apply them and then mindfulness to continue doing it but it IS the most meaningful thing you can master in this life. If you’d like help on solving this puzzle in your life, we’ve helped 100’s of busy Hobart people achieve their goals already.
Yours in health,
Dr Richard Ralph, Co-Founder