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Tailored Solutions,
Not Judgement

High body mass and disease are influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors like genetics, metabolism, hormones, stress, mental health, beliefs, education, and social environment. By recognising and addressing these complexities, we give you the best chance for long-term success.
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Dr. Richard Ralph

General Practitioner, Director of medicine


Daniel Lowry

Director of Fitness


Alana Lowry

Director of Nutrition & Lifestyle interventions

The SANAMethod

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High body mass and increased risk for chronic disease is a complex challenge to overcome.

SANAMethod uses a unique data-driven approach for better health and a longer life.

Combining medicine, exercise, and personalised lifestyle interventions, we remove the guesswork and support your journey to a better future.

This integrative model fills a gap in Australia's healthcare system by focusing on preventing the problem before it is too late.

SANAMethod's innovative approach is already making a big impact by helping individuals lose weight and take control of their health destiny.

For the highest chance of success, you need to tick all the boxes.

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